We perform bench scale batch applied research studies and based on results pilot scale demonstration projects are together with end–users & researchers to study the treatability and performance of the water.
The main goal is to eliminate/reduce pharmaceutical residues, pathogens & micro pollutants in drinking & treated wastewater for safe reuse of water. This work has resulted in the present innovation and patents which is the foundation stone of Swedish Water Foundation.
AQUATRACK® Early Warning System is created in an EU project to mitigate, the substantial threat from water contamination in combination with modular energy efficient, low–cost ozone polishing system to provide a powerful process for water quality management to have better control of both pathogens & pharmaceutical residues in treated wastewater. AQUATRACK® is now EU ETV verified to online monitor the MBR, MBBR, STP and SBR effluent quality & water for reuse.
Process safety & consumer security is the creative, innovative & ground–breaking solution AQUA–RENOVATE™ for safety & security in treated wastewate.